The pull of the American Dream
The families of inmates feel torn between two worlds.
American society is obsessed with living the American Dream. For most, that
dream includes owning their own home, driving a new car off the lot every few
years, owning the latest greatest music hits, the highest definition TV with
the most channels available, and/or working a job that provides health
insurance, good vacation time, and an eight to five job. The family of inmates
are especially aware of these pressures in ways the rest of American Society
does not face.
Choosing Life over the American Dream
So, how do you survive in a society obsessed with the latest
and greatest? The answer may lie in a very difficult choice; the choice of life
over the American Dream. American society is so driven to achieve, to go
places, and to do great things that it forgets the joy of the simple. An old
song claims “All you need is love.” And while, love does not provide food and
housing, a good deal is to be said for it.
Think for just a moment. When was the last time you went and
sat on your steps outside and listened to the world around you living? Watch
the birds build their homes. No matter where you live in the world, you still
see them. They still find the niche needed for their nests. They still find the
food to sustain them each day. They still feel the joy of the sun on their
wings, and the wind in their face as they soar through the sky.
Look around and see how long it takes you to spot a living
plant. Chances are that even deep in the intercity, you’ll still find flowers,
moss, and trees that have beaten the odds and grown up in the middle of the
urban jungle. Look at the lawns of businesses nearby. Just think about that
grass for a moment. It grows, and is mown down, and then grows again, over and
over and over. And in its growing it gives the earth greenery and a soft place
to walk or sit.
As you face a life with stark realities, perhaps rather than
focusing on big things you don’t have right now, focusing on the things you
have been given can give you the joy and hope you need. That plasma TV- who
truly needs that when they have the whole world to watch?
For the families of inmates, let me urge you, make the
conscious choice to choose to experience life, no matter what challenges you
face. I’m not saying, don’t strive to better yourself. Or, don’t work hard.
But, in the middle of working, and striving to better yourself, don’t lose your
soul to the American Dream.
Interested in reading from the perspective of an inmate's loved one? Check out Renee Patterson's:
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